Solar Prep Girls Parent Community - Active and Hard at Work - Always Seeking Your Involvement!

Friends of Solar Prep

Friends of Solar Prep is a volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization led by a board of parents and community leaders who work to ensure every Solar Prep student has equal access to educational opportunities to realize their full potential. We support the Solar Preparatory Schools, two challenging and inclusive schools, through fundraising for student and educator enrichment.


The main charge of Friends of Solar Prep, established in 2015, is to help bridge funding gaps between what the school district’s funding provides and what is needed on our Solar campuses for higher academic achievement.


The Solar Prep Girls Parent Teacher Association, (formerly the Solar Prep PTO 2016-2023), was established in the Spring of 2023. It is comprised of Solar families, Solar staff, and extended community members committed to supporting our school and our scholars through generous contributions of time, talent, and financial giving.


The mission of the PTA is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


The purposes of the PTA are to:

  • Provide an opportunity for male role models to be involved with their scholar in academic and extra curricular activities pertaining to Solar Prep
  • Support staff activities as requested by administration 
  • Work towards activities that boost staff morale
  • Provide volunteers for projects associated with Solar Prep


The Solar League is an organization with a goal to support Solar Prep in its efforts to help our scholars become empowered young ladies. 


The mission of The Solar League is to:

  • Provide an opportunity for male role models to be involved with their scholar in academic and extra curricular activities pertaining to Solar Prep
  • Support staff activities as requested by administration 
  • Work towards activities that boost staff morale
  • Provide volunteers for projects associated with Solar Prep

Solar Girls SBDM

The SBDM (Site Based Decision Making) Committee is a unique advisory board of parents and staff members who share the singular goal of continuous improvement of our Solar Prep for Girls School through the advising of Solar's leadership team to establish campus goals and plans. The SBDM committee serves as an advisory body responsible for:

  • Establishing campus goals and plans for the improvement of student performance and well being through a campus needs assessment and performance data.
  • Developing, reviewing and revising the campus improvement plan
  • Providing input in the areas of curriculum, budget, school safety, school organization and staffing patterns
  • Approving campus-level staff development plans and the use of discretionary fund

Solar Prep Girl Scouts

The Girl Scout Difference: Girl Scouts unleashes the G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) in every girl, preparing her for a lifetime of leadership—from taking a night-time hike under the stars to accepting a mission on the International Space Station; from lobbying the city council with her troop to holding a seat in Congress; from running her own cookie business today to tackling cybersecurity tomorrow.


Solar Prep for Girls School is Service Unit 701. Grade-level troop numbers can be found on the Solar Prep Girl Scouts website.



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The PTA Needs You ...

Because Our SCHOOL Needs You!